Medical and Psychological Help for Refugees

Here you will find non-state organizations offering refugees psychological therapies and assistance in matters of health care free of charge.

Note: The counsellors speak English! Please approach the information and counselling centres in English.

Name: Behandlungszentrum für Folteropfer (BZFO)
Addresse: GSZ Moabit, Haus K, Eingang C
Turmstraße 21
10559 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 3039060

Contact: Ms. Heidi Shehab

This is a treatment centre for the victims of torture. They offer medical and psychotherapeutic counselling, diagnosis and treatment, social support and counselling to the displaced people with psychological problems. The website is also available in English. All therapies and offerings are supported by specially trained interpreters.


Name: Xenion
Addresse: Paulsenstraße 55-56
12163 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 3232933

Office opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00

XENION is a psychotherapeutic counseling and treatment center for traumatized refugees and survivors of torture and victims of serious human rights violations. It offers psychological treatment and counseling dealing with social and practical aspects of daily life. The webpage is also available in English.


Name: Büro für medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe Berlin
Addresse: Gneisenaustraße 2a
10961 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 6946746

Mondays & Thursdays from 4.30 pm – 6.30 pm

In this office, anti-racist volunteers are working. They support people without status and without health insurance in receiving anonymous and free treatment by qualified medical professionals.

English Adresses