Financial Aid & Compensation

Here you find the addresses regarding financial aid and compensation for the victims of right wing and racist violence. Please also read the brochure: Perspectives after a right wing or racist attack – your rights and opportunities as a victim, witness or relative
All application forms and explanations are unfortunately in German. The employees of Opferperspektive can help you with the application process.
Name: Opferfonds Cura
Address: Linienstraße 139
10115 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 24088610
CURA is a non-state foundation which supports victims of right wing, racist and antisemitic violence since 2004.

Name: Deutscher Anwaltverein – Stiftung contra Rechtsextremismus und Gewalt
Address: Littenstraße 11
10179 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 7261520
Deutscher Anwaltverein is an association of german lawyers. The foundation supported by the association subsidizes the legal costs of the victims of right wing and racist violence. The grant application must be submitted via your law firm.

Name: Weißer Ring, Landesverband Brandenburg,
Address: Nansenstraße 12
14471 Potsdam
Telephone: 0331 – 291273
Weißer Ring is a non-state nationwide organization which support the victims of crime and violence. The organization allocates payment vouchers, the so-called >>Beratungsschecks<<, to cover the cost of the first consultation with a lawyer and provides further financial assistance upon the submission of grant applications.

Name: Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat III
Address: 53094 Bonn
Telephone: 0228 – 9941040
Bundesamt für Justiz (The Federal Office of Justice) is a federal agency that manages a government fund to compensate the victims of right-wing violence since 2007.

Victim compensation according to the Opferentschädigungsgesetz (OEG, the Victims Compensation Act)
Applications for compensation for the victims in accordance with the Opferentschädigungsgesetz (OEG, the Victim Compensation Act) are handled by the Versorgungsamt (state social support office). The Versorgungsamt in the respective county (Landkreis) in which the injured party is residing. The central Versorgungsamt is the Landesamt für Soziales und Versorgung (department of social affairs and welfare) in Cottbus.
Name: Landesamt für Soziales und Versorgung – Versorgungsamt
Address: Postfach 100763
03007 Cottbus
Telephone: 0355 – 2893800


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